15 February 2009

Web2.0: Imagine the Possibilities

(The User’s Voice in the second generation of the WWW)
see you all again.. today.. i think i wanna talk about web2.0... hmmm let's see... did you know that right now, you are using one of the thousands web2.0 applications. yeah, blogging is also an appilication of web2.0...

What is the difference between 1.0 and 2.0???
source: Steve Hargadon, www.stevehargadon.com, steve@hargadon.com

Principles of Web1.0:
a) Reading
b) Receiving
c) Researching

Principles of Web2.0:
a) Contributing
b) Collaborating
c) Creating

Web 2.0 basic characteristics:
source:Francisco Llaneras Estrada on November 2006 from slideshare.net

• Applications used entirely through a Web browser (access info)
• Users own the data on the site and exercise control (manage info)
• Users are encouraged to add value (create info)
• Some social-networking aspects are included (participate)
• A rich, interactive, user-friendly interface (easy to use)

Ten Web2.0 trends that will have a profound impact on education:
source: Steve Hargadon, www.stevehargadon.com, steve@hargadon.com

1) New publishing Revolution
2) A tidal wave of information
3) A culture of openness
4) A culture of participation
5) The age of the collaborator
6) An explosion of innovation
7) The world is getting flatter and faster
8) The long tail - [i'm not sure about this point. Long tail? what is it about?]
9) Social learning moves toward center stage - [this point too... anybody help me...!!]
10) Social networking

Web 2.0 services:
source: by fred delventhal and heather hurley from slideshare.net

• Social networks (flickr, youtube, 43things, slideshare)
• Web-based applications (Google docs, TimeTracker)
• Wikis (wikipedia)
• Blogs, photologs or podcasts (blogger)
• News promotion systems (digg, meneame, fresqui)
• Content managers (netvibes, del.icio.us, cannotea, refworks)
• Communication tools (basecamp, zoho project, meebo)
• Suscription systems (bloglines)
• Searchers based on tags (flickr, technorati)

1 question.
Why this is all matter???

Learning is changing....
So, education will need to change....

That's all from me today..
see you next time!!!


  1. Long tail???
    i think we have connection with others and share the information..and it will continue and expand..
    am i right?i'm just guessing..

  2. yup..the technology nowadays had give big impact to education...before we just focus teaching and learning in class, teacher give all d works, more to teacher centered..but today...what happened????all have change...more to student centred....the method that use also interesting an attractive...

  3. Yes..nowadays the education was more interesting n challenging.Its depend to ourselves how to get it n explore it..
